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#198. Meanwhile... Chapter 6. Angel's Among Us

Ch 6.29 * #198 * Jul. 21, 2024
  1. *outdoors in the mountains* Narrator: "Meanwhile, somewhere else..." Lily: "Where even are we?" Two: "Somewhere between Azerbaijan and Armenia."
  2. Lily: "Chloe, I love the adventurous new travel thing, but we've been hiking for days!" "My everything is sore." "Let's find a hotel already. I need a decent night's rest and a bath."
  3. Two: "Three more hills." Lily: "You said that three hills ago." Two: "One more hill." Lily: "sigh okay."
  4. Two and Lily walking in the mountains.
  5. Lily (spots a swirling black hole in the ground): "Chloe!" "What the — " "What the hell is that?"
  6. Two: "Dr. Mendez was right!" "Only a 37% chance, but it exists!"
  7. Chloe (her arm around Lily): "Lily my love, this is what we've been searching for." *Lily looks skeptical.*
  8. Two: "And I know it sounds crazy — " " — but from now on, call me Two." *End.*
Characters: Chloe, Lily, Two

Meanwhile, somewhere else...

...and thus ends chapter 6, "Angel's Among Us!" As usual, it was a heck of a ride, crazy and zany and over-the-top in all the ways that make Day Two a fun story.

I'm going to take a short break during the summer, and maybe do some other kinds of drawings, and then we're going to have some fun fillers and one-offs. I've finished the script for chapter 7, "Time Out," but I haven't started any of the artwork yet, and my comic buffer is very much depleted. But starting some time this fall, stay tuned, and we'll be back with chapter 7!~ 😁

— Inker