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#63. Bedsheets Chapter 3. The Third Roommate

Ch 3.14 * #63 * Apr. 26, 2020
  1. Zia. Chloe. Portal. Chloe (standing in front of the portal): "I don't get it. Why us? Why here? Is there a portal in everybody's closet now?"
  2. Zia: "Well, er, y'see, yesterday, I was kinda testing a lensing particle accelerator in my bedroom, and I may have accidentally fired a few trillion pions at the linen closet."
  3. Chloe: "So, wait, is that — "
  4. Zia: " — Yeah, sorry, your bedsheets disintegrated." "But I swear I ordered replacements on Amazon!"
Characters: Chloe, Portal, Zia

No, snek! That's a bad snek! *slaps with rolled-up newspaper*

— Inker