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#53. The Linen Closet Chapter 3. The Third Roommate

The Linen Closet
Ch 3.4 * #53 * Feb. 9, 2020
  1. Chloe (dripping wet): "Zia, where are the other towels!?" Zia (offpanel): "I moved them to the linen closet!"
  2. Chloe (approaching the linen closet): "Why'd you move them in here?" Zia (offpanel): "Needed room for the tail wax I ordered!"
  3. Chloe (having opened the closet door, nervously staring at the portal inside). Portal.
  4. Chloe (trying not to panic): "Uh, Zia...?" Zia (offpanel): "What?" Chloe: "We have company."
Characters: Chloe, Portal, Zia

I'm sure it's fine. This is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine

— Inker