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#101. Up Chapter 4. Me, Myself, and Yikes

Ch 4.20 * #101 * Feb. 21, 2021
  1. Chloe, running at night through the park. Her pocket rings.
  2. Chloe, still running, on her phone. Chloe: "Zia!" Zia: "Did you find her yet?" Chloe: "No."
  3. Chibi Zia: "We had some success in replicating the experiment. We might be able to send them home, but you have to find her first." Chloe: "I'm looking!"
  4. Zia at the lab. Sophia. Two. Zia: "Have you tried looking up?" "She is a spider, after all."
  5. Chloe (crossly glaring at the phone): "Zia, come on, I don't think that'd make a — "
  6. Chloe looks up in the trees and sees a pair of driders making out right next to her. Chibi Zia. Three. Kyle. Chloe (angry): "Goddammit I hate it when you're right!"
Characters: Chloe, Kyle, Sophia, Three, Two, Zia

Ever notice how you always find things in the last place you look?

— Inker